Tags Funding

Tag: funding

Australia to upgrade northern military bases and ports, rectify fuel storage issues, and increase defense funding over the next decade

Australia's government is set to prioritize its defense capabilities with a focus on long-range precision strike capability,...

Qatar financing Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps

According to a report from the Washington Examiner newspaper, which Israel has so far refused to comment,...

Australian US universities collaborate on swarm tech

A joint American-Australian government program is getting a $3 million funding under the Next Generation Technologies Fund’s...

China’s Vice Minister of State Security defected to US in February

According to Australian media reports a top Chinese spy has supposedly defected to the United States and...

Next generation fighter plane demands greater cooperation between Germany France Spain

Although German defense leaders have admitted of a lack of firm financing for the Future Combat Air...

France offers experienced multi-role Rafale fighter jet to Ukraine

With the Ukrainian government making its desire to acquire capable fighters jets to defend itself against fighters...

Australia investing in autonomous drones which combats improvised explosive devices

The Australian government has commissioned an autonomous project designed at countering explosive devices and is partnering with...

Italy eyes investing in U.S. Future Vertical Lift helicopter initiative

Italy is weighing options to use funds handed over by the European Union to mitigate the impact...

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China’s Fujian Aircraft Carrier Begins Sea Trials

China's naval capabilities have reached a significant milestone with the commencement of sea trials for its latest...

Russia’s Defense Exports Hit Record $60B Amid Rising Global Demand

Russia’s Defense Export Contracts Reach Record High Amid Rising Global Demand Rosoboronexport, Russia’s primary...

Russia’s New Remote-Controlled Kornet Anti-Tank Missile System: Features, Successes & Global Impact

In a strategic move to enhance Russian capabilities in the ongoing 'Special Military Operation' (SVO), High Precision...

Ukraine’s Struggles with Western Arms: Javelin Missiles, Tactical Challenges, and Russian Captures

In a surprising twist, Russian media are now mocking claims that Moscow possesses more Javelin anti-tank missiles...